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HomeInternetTop 12 Best Intermittent Fasting Apps In 2022

Top 12 Best Intermittent Fasting Apps In 2022

Best Intermittent Fasting Apps will be discussed in this article. Are you looking to break through your fitness goals? If so, then you may like to attempt intermittent fasting. This type of fasting can help with weight loss and muscle gain, among other things.

In fact, according to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, those who intermittently fasted for eight weeks saw significant improvements in their body composition, including a reduction in fat mass.

Of course, before you start any new diet or fitness plan, it’s always considerable useful to consult with your doctor first.

And while there are many different ways to do intermittent fasting, using an app can help make the process easier and more efficient.

In this article, we will discuss the 12 best intermittent fasting apps and what each one offers.

So whether you are just starting or are a seasoned pro, there is sure to be an app on this list that meets your needs!

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a style of diet where you don’t eat for a certain amount of time, & then you eat again.

You can do it for different amounts of time, depending on what you want to achieve. Some people do it to lose weight, while others do it to build muscle.

It’s significant to talk to your doctor before starting any new diet, though!

One of the best intermittent fasting methods is the 16/8 method. This means that you eat for 8 hours and then fast for 16 hours. You can do this by not eating after dinner & then not eating again until lunch the next day.

Similarly, you could eat from noon to 8 pm and then fast until noon the next day.

It’s important to note that you can still drink water, coffee, and other non-caloric beverages while fasting. In fact, drinking coffee or green tea during your fasting period can help boost your metabolism!

Top 12 Best Intermittent Fasting Apps In 2022

Top 12 Best Intermittent Fasting Apps are explained here.

1. Simple


Simple is an app that helps people with intermittent fasting and has a simple and elegant interface that makes it easy to use.

It has been created to be as user friendly as possible, & it is suitable for newbies as well as experienced fasters.

Simple features a variety of fasting protocols, including the 16/8 protocol, which is the most popular intermittent fasting protocol.

Simple also allows users to customize their own protocols, and it provides a range of options for managing hunger and cravings.

With their tailored guidance and support, Simple makes it easy for users to stick to their intermittent fasting goals and enjoy the many benefits that this healthy lifestyle can offer.

They come with fasting and a meal tracker to help you maintain track of your improvement, as well as a comprehensive guide to intermittent fasting.

One of the best things is – once you start to use the app, depending on when and how you engage in fasts, Simple helps you know yourself better and works with you to make the experience more comfortable each time.

It is known for both iOS and Android gadgets.

Notable Features

  • Simple, elegant interface
  • Customizable protocols
  • Hunger and craving management options
  • Tailored guidance and support
  • Expert-based lifestyle tips


Simple is free to use on both Android and an iPhone but they do offer in-app purchases that starts from $19.99 and can go up to $49.99 depending on the type of plan and duration you choose to move forward with.

2. DoFasting


DoFasting is an irregular fasting app that is comfortable to use & comes with a clean design.

It offers tracking for multiple fasting types, expert-approved education, tools for weight loss, and a 100% science-based approach.

The team of health experts who created the app ensured its safety and effectiveness.

DoFasting is suited for both beginners and experienced fasters alike. It helps to form long-term healthy habits and can be easily customized to fit each individual’s needs.

In addition to educational articles and daily tips, the app also has workout routines prepared by in-house personal trainers, healthy recipes, and helpful reminders.

These features work together to encourage users to stick to their fasting goals while seeing results. Also, since the workouts are body-weight only & can be accomplished at home, they are accessible to everyone.

Notable Features

  • Tracking for multiple fasting types
  • Expert-approved education
  • Tools for weight loss
  • 100% science-based approach
  • Over 5000 Healthy recipes


DoFasting costs $37/month.

3. Zero


Zero, which is backed by industry experts like Peter Attia, is all about helping you lose weight quickly and efficiently.

The app does this by providing you with a personalized fasting plan that is based on your own individual goals and preferences.

Zero also has a community of like-minded users who can provide support and motivation, and the app offers detailed tracking so that you can monitor your progress over time.

Available on both Android and iOS, Zero has been proven to be effective for the masses. For example, one of the loyal Zero users briefly reviewed the app saying:

“Used off & on for the past two years, but eventually determined to daily 16-hour fasts in December. This completely changed my day-to-day life (in addition to changing from coffee to tea and cutting most processed foods from my diet).”

Similarly, there are many other great reviews on both the app store and Google Play that recommend Zero for its simplicity, weight-loss results, and supportive community.

Zero comes with different fasting plans for everyone, including:

13-hour Fast: Best for beginners. It has a 13-hour window where you can eat and the remaining 11 hours are for fasting.

16-hour Fast: Best for people who want to lose weight quickly. The 16-hour window leaves you with 8 hours of fasting.

18-hour Fast: Best for people who want to improve their insulin sensitivity. The 18-hour window leaves you with 6 hours of fasting.

OMAD: Best for people who want to lose weight quickly and have a lot of willpower. The One Meal A Day (OMAD) plan involves fasting for 23 hours and eating for just one hour.

Additionally, they also have an achievement feature to help you stay on track, and the journal function lets you track how you feel throughout the fast.

To monitor your progress the best way, you also get personalized insights and graphs that show your fasting activity, weight loss (if that’s your goal), and more.

Notable Features

  • Personalized fasting plans
  • Detailed tracking and progress monitoring
  • Supportive community
  • Reliable accountability partner
  • Available on both Android and iOS


Zero is a free-to-use app, but they do have some in-app purchases that start from $9.99.

4. FastEasy


FastEasy is an iOS app that allows users to customize their intermittent fasting experience. It has a sleek interface and is very user-friendly.

FastEasy also allows users to track their progress, which is a significant component for those who are trying to lose weight. Also check hide apps alternatives 

One, for instance, is their simple yet alarming timer feature. The app will notify you when your fast is about to end, which can help keep you accountable.

Besides that, it also comes with different well-known fasting methods like the 16/8 mode, the 5:2 diet, and eat-stop-eat.

One of their underrated features that took me by surprise is the Body Status. It helps you understand how your body reacts to fasting at each stage (here, stages can be calculated in terms of timeframes).

The app also has a comprehensive progress tracker that lets you see how well you’re doing.

FastEasy also provides 7-minute video workout tutorials for those who like to stay active during their fasting window.

Lastly, you also get useful insights on health, thanks to their well-written and easy-to-understand guides.

Notable Features

  • User-friendly interface
  • Customizable fasting experience
  • Progress tracker
  • Body Status
  • 7-minute workout tutorials


FastEasy is free to download and use. However, there are in-app purchases for premium features that start from $9.99/month.

5. Lifesum


The app also provides personalized recommendations and tips based on users’ individual goals. Lifesum is available for both iOS and Android devices.

The app offers a built-in food database, which makes it easy to find nutritional information for common foods.

And to help you make beautiful health choices, Lifesum also rates food accordingly. You can also create different habit trackers within the app to help you stay on top of your progress.

The barcode scanner is also a nifty feature that allows you to check the nutritional value of packaged foods.

Lifesum easily connects with popular fitness trackers and devices such as Fitbit, Apple Watch, and Google Fit.

If you are all bummed out about creating an everyday meal plan, Lifesum also has a Meal Planner feature that automatically generates a personalized meal plan for you, based on your goals and dietary preferences.

Be it losing weight, maintaining it, or gaining some extra pounds, Lifesum has diet plans for all sorts of goals. You also get a life score every week, uncovering how well you are doing with your fitness goals.

Notable Features

  • Customized meal plans
  • Fitness & health tracking
  • Healthy habit creator and tracker
  • Intuitive Interface
  • Available on iOS & Android


Lifesum has a completely free plan. However, their premium plan starts from around $4.39/month.

6. Window


Unlike many other intermittent apps, Window doesn’t give you a lot of rules to follow. Instead, it uses your current weight, height, age, and training level to calculate how many calories you should eat apiece day. Also check shopify currency converter apps

And it does not restrict you from eating. Instead, Window is created in such a way that it assists you in promoting a healthy relationship with food.

Their notifications and reminders are also very user-friendly and help you to stay on track without feeling too deprived.

The daily weight tracker is also a great feature, as it allows you to see your progress over time. It can also be connected with Apple Health, which is a huge plus.

If you’re me who forgets to drink water often, this will also be a great app for you as it has a water tracking feature that reminds you to drink enough water every day!

One of the best features of Window is its Meal Plan and Nutrition Tracker. This allows you to schedule out your dinners for the week & track your calorie and nutrient intake and it is prepared by certified nutritionists.

Notable Features

  • Calorie counting
  • Water tracking
  • Meal planning and nutrition tracking
  • Integration with Apple Health
  • Daily weight tracking


Window is a free app with no in-app purchases (premium plan) that costs around $9.99/month.

7. Fastient


This is another intermittent fasting apps. Fastient is a straightforward intermittent fasting tracker app that is perfect for those who are new to the practice.

It features a clean and user-friendly interface that makes tracking your progress a breeze. Fastient is available as a web app, an app for Android as well as for an iPhone.

Their Progress feature allows you to see your fasting results over time, helping you stay motivated to stick with the program.

It shows metrics like:

Time Fasted – How long you’ve been fasting in days, hours, and minutes.

Goal Fast Length – How long do you plan to fast (out of 24 hours.)

Weight Lost – How much weight you’ve lost since starting to fast.

Calories Burned – How many calories you’ve burned while fasting.

Fastient also shows you a progress bar at the top of the screen that fills up as you get closer to your goal. This is a great visual way to see how well you’re doing and to stay on track.

The Journal feature is legendary amongst intermittent fasters. It allows you to track not only your fasting progress but also your mood, energy levels, and any other thoughts or feelings you have while fasting.

This is an incredibly valuable resource for those who want to understand their body and mind better while intermittent fasting.

Notable Features

  • Accountability partner
  • Progress bar
  • Journal (to track your mood, energy levels, etc)
  • Available on the web, Android, and iOS


Fastient is a free-to-use app with some in-app purchases available ($4.99/year or $11.99/lifetime).

8. Fastic


If you’re looking for a way to detox your body and cleanse your system, you may want to try Fastic. Also check Money Making Apps

This program applies fasting for 16 hours each day & eating exclusively during an 8-hour window. So, for example, you would eat all your meals between 8 am and 4 pm, and then fast from 4 pm until 8 am the next day.

During the fasting period, you are allowed to drink water, black coffee, and green tea. You can even accomplish a salt water flush once per day to help cleanse your system.

Fastic has a vibrant community of users who share their experiences and offer support to one another.

And healthy habits feature prominently in the app as well, with reminders to drink water and take breaks throughout the day. This is another intermittent fasting apps.

Fastic also has an academy in which experts offer nutrition tips, workout ideas, and other healthy lifestyle advice.

Besides a fasting timer, you also get an option to track your body performance, sleep, and calorie intake.

Fastic is available for both Android and iOS devices.

Notable Features

  • Fasting timer
  • Community support
  • Helpful tips and information (related to fasting and sound health)
  • Body performance tracking


Fastic is free with certain in-app purchases.

9. FastHabit


With its easy-to-use interface and customizable options, FastHabit is perfect whether you’re just starting or have been fasting for years.

It also includes helpful reminders and notifications so you can easily keep track of your fasts and progress.

And if that’s not sufficiently, it also has some amazing advanced features like data export and syncing with your Apple Watch!

This is another intermittent fasting apps. FastHabit also has a set of reminders and notifications to help you keep track of your progress and fasting schedule.

Like you can specifically decide on what days you want to fast and for how long, set an auto-stop timer, and get detailed insights on your progress.

If you are an Apple user, some pretty cool and useful widgets come with the app as well!

And if you’re confused about how to get started, don’t worry – there’s a comprehensive guide to assist you get commenced on the correct foot.

Notable Features

  • Create and manage fasts effortlessly
  • Set an auto-stop timer
  • Get detailed insights on the progress
  • Comprehensive guide to help you get started
  • Apple Watch app and complication


FastHabit is a free app with very minimal in-app purchases.

10. Ate


Ate is designed to help you find food freedom and build a sustainable, healthy lifestyle.

You can use the app to quickly capture meals using photos, reflect on and record the reason for eating, and experiment with new habits.

Ate also allows logging & reflecting on other areas of life, such as movement, emotions, and daily notes.

This is another intermittent fasting apps. The app can sync with Apple Health to track water intake, movement, and measurements.

The best thing I like about Ate is that it helps you uncover your “why” behind eating every single meal. I also appreciate being able to see a comprehensive list of all the nutrients I’m consuming.

Capturing the photo of your meal also makes you more mindful of what you’re eating and helps to prevent mindless snacking.

Lastly, their mobile widgets will help you remember the last meal that you ate and when your next meal is.

Notable Features:

  • Log meals using photos, and the app provides you with nutritional information
  • Track your water intake, movement, and measurements
  • Establishes mindful eating habits
  • Daily journal about fasting like a pro
  • Mobile widgets for glances


Ate has a free plan and offers a 7-day free trial on their premium plan that starts from $7.99/month.

11. MyFitnessPal


MyFitnessPal is an app that makes tracking your diet and exercise easier than ever before.

In addition to tracking what you eat & how much you wield, MyFitnessPal also has features that help you track your intermittent fasting progress.

For example, you can log when you start your fast, when you break your fast, and how many hours you fasted. This data is then utilized to create a graph that shows your progress over time.

This is another intermittent fasting apps. MyFitnessPal has a database of over 11 million foods, so you can be sure you’re getting accurate information about the calories and nutrients in what you’re eating (with fat, calories, carbs, and protein).

You can even create your personal food database and share recipes with other users. The app also has a barcode scanner, so you can quickly and easily add foods to your tracking.

With what you’re eating and where you’re based on your fitness goals, the app provides tailored recommendations for what you should eat and how much you should exercise.

MyFitnessPal has a thriving community forum where you can request questions and get support from other users, as well as experts.

Notable Features

  • Over 11 million foods in the database
  • Track what you eat & how considerably you exert
  • Track your intermittent fasting progress
  • Get tailored recommendations
  • Barcode scanner
  • Highly active community forum


MyFitnessPal has a free plan and a 30-day free trial for the premium plan, which costs around $7.79/month.

12. Fasta


Fasta is a simple iOS intermittent fasting app that is designed to make the fasting process as easy and seamless as possible. This is another intermittent fasting apps.

The app offers a variety of fasting plans to pick from, so you can locate the right plan for your needs. You can also create your custom fasting plans.

Additionally, the app tracks your progress with Insights, so you can witness how well you’re doing. All the data is stored in the iCloud account, so it’s private and confidential.

Additionally, Fasta helps you understand what’s happening inside your body while fasting. The app has Dark Mode support and Apple Watch support.

It also integrates with the Apple Health app to keep all your weight data in sync. There are also widgets available to help you track your progress.

Notable Features

  • Simple and easy-to-use interface
  • Creates custom fasting plans
  • Progress tracking with Insights
  • iCloud support for privacy
  • Dark Mode support
  • Over 50 color themes


Fasta is a free app with in-app purchases starting from $1.99/month.


After reading this essay, you should have a good knowledge of the different types of intermittent fasting apps available.

You can now make an knowledgeable decision about which app is best for you based on your goals and preferences.

Wait no more, find the app that works for you and start reaping the usefulness of intermittent fasting today!


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