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HomeInternet15 Best And Most Effective Free SEO Tools

15 Best And Most Effective Free SEO Tools

Best and most effective Free SEO Tools will be described in this article.

Top 15 Best And Most Effective Free SEO Tools In 2022

In this article, you can know about Free SEO Tools here are the details below;

1. Answer The Public

Answer The Public

Find 150+ keyword suggestions quickly.

The Google Keyword Planner is where the majority of SEO tools obtain their data from.

The website Answer the Public is unique.

This fantastic programme locates queries posted on blogs, forums, and social media.

And it creates fantastic keywords from those queries:

Best Feature: “Vs. Keywords” Answer The Public – “keto diet”

You’d be shocked by how multiple individuals use Google to look up “X vs. Y” keywords.

(For instance, “SEMRush vs. Ahrefs” or “iPhone vs. Android”).

A chunk of the results on Answer the Public is labelled “Vs. Keywords” as well.

Keto diet – Versus section in The Public

Consequently, we reach the second tool on our list.

2. Worank’s SEO & Website Analysis Tool

Worank’s SEO & Website Analysis Tool

Instantly obtain a list of SEO enhancements.

This Chrome plugin is quite useful.

You first receive a general SEO score. Also check UI/Ux design tools

The tool then demonstrates EXACTLY how to enhance both the on-page and off-page SEO of your website.

“Marketing Checklist” is the best feature of the WooRank Chrome addon.

Most SEO tools just inform you of issues, not potential remedies.

However, Woorank provides you with a thorough SEO checklist that you may utilise to address any problems you encounter.

Checklist for marketing at WooRank

It’s time for our newest free SEO tool now.

3. Animalz Revive

Animalz Revive

Update and improve previous material.

You can locate outdated content on your website that needs updating, upgrading, or both with the aid of Animalz Revive.

To find these pages before this tool, you had to manually search using your Google Analytics account.

which was a major hassle.

Fortunately, this tool lets you know just which of your website’s articles needs the greatest attention.

Best Feature of Animalz Revive Advice: “Traffic Loss Since Peak (Views)”

This function enables you to calculate the precise number of visitors that outdated material is costing you.

4. CanIRank


Immediately respond to the query “Can I rank for this keyword?”

A very thorough keyword difficulty tool is CanIRank. This is another free seo tools.

CanIRank, unlike the majority of free SEO tools, doesn’t offer you general guidance like:

This keyword has a lot of competition.

Also known as “This keyword has low competition.”

Instead, it informs you if YOU are capable of ranking for that keyword.

“How can you better target this keyword?” is the best feature.

CanIRank is useful for more than just evaluating first-page competition.

Additionally, it offers recommendations that may boost your position for a particular phrase.

5. Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test

Google's Mobile-Friendly Test

CanIRank – Keyword Probability

Preparing your website for Google’s mobile-first indexing is a must.

You may have attended that Google recently changed its algorithm significantly.

(This modification is known formally as “Mobile-First Indexing”).

The conclusion is as follows:

You’re in serious trouble if your website isn’t mobile-friendly.

Fortunately, you can create a mobile-friendly website without hiring a full-time developer.

All you have to do is use the Mobile-Friendly Test tool to evaluate your website.

Additionally, it informs you of Google’s opinion of your site’s mobile friendliness.

The best feature of Google’s test for mobile friendliness is “Page loading problems.”

This function demonstrates how to enhance the coding of your website.

In this manner, all of the resources on your website can be found and indexed by Google’s mobile crawler.

Issues with the mobile-friendly test

6. Seed Keywords

Seed Keywords

Find brand-new keyword suggestions.

The majority of keyword research tools operate in the same way:

Give the tool a seed keyword to work with.

Obtain a list of words that are conceptually connected.

The issue with this strategy is this:

The identical seed keywords are entered into these tools by everyone.

However, Seed Keywords adopts a totally different strategy.

You ask your consumers how they would search for you online rather than just coming up with random seed keywords. Also check data analysis tools

Scenario from SeedKeywords

In your preferred keyword research tool, enter those seed keywords next.

“Submit Query” is the best feature.

You can use SeedKeywords to conduct a Google search using the suggestions that users made once the results are in.

By doing so, you’ll be able to rapidly review the search results and determine how competitive each keyword is.

Results for “seedkeywords”

7. Exploding Topics

Exploding Topics

This is another free seo tools. Discover trending terms before they get overused.

The single task performed by this free SEO tool is:

It brings up issues that are only now becoming popular.

Home Exploding Topics

You can then produce content based on these new trends (or optimise your old content around a new keyword).

The tool’s database now contains roughly 2,000 subjects.

And they continue to add more each week.

Favorite Function: Categories

You can dig down to a certain issue category that is significant to your organisation using categories.

Take the case of you managing the marketing for a skincare company.

You might click “beauty” to get a list of recent developments in that area.

Exploding topics Page Nice Category.



Obtain a thorough SEO site analysis.

Your entire website is crawled by SEObility, which notifies you of any concerns with search engine optimization like:

Slow page loads

Obstructed pages

Sitemap issues

SEO technical problems

Additional SEOBility

This kind of information is typically only available through paid SEO tools.

That Seobility provides you with this information for free is very wonderful.

Content Report is the best feature.

You receive a list of pages with content-related SEO problems from this analysis.

(Examples include: keyword stuffing, duplicate material, thin content, missing meta titles, etc.)

9. Ubersuggest


Obtain keyword ideas and information about competition.

Numerous functions in Ubersuggest are typically only seen in more expensive SEO tools.

But it is totally free.

Enter a term you wish to rank for to use it (or a competing website that you want to rank above).

Search with Ubersuggest

Additionally, Ubersuggest will provide you with comprehensive information on keyword difficulty, monthly search volume, and more.

You receive a list of suggested keywords from Ubersuggest – Results Plus depending on the term you entered.

Ubersuggest: Suggestions for keywords

Favorite Section: “Comparations”

You can view “X vs. Y” keywords using this tool.

Comparisons of keywords in Ubersuggest

X vs. Y keywords, in my opinion, are incredibly underutilised.

They might not receive as many searches as conventional keywords, for sure.

However, they are HIGHLY targeted and converting.

And to my knowledge, the only programme that precisely suggests X vs. Y keywords is Ubersuggest.

10. BrowSEO


Consider your website from a search engine’s perspective.

As it turns out, search engines have a VERY different perception of your website than you do. Also check projects management tools

Additionally, BROWSEO provides you with the same kind of x-ray vision as search engines.

SERP Preview, the best feature of BROWSEO

Find out how your page will look in the search results with this nice preview:

SERP preview for browser SEO

This is another free seo tools. This is useful for assessing how SEO-friendly your title and description tags are (or too long).

Additionally, improving your title and description might increase your organic clickthrough rate.

11. Detailed.com


Obtain information about your rivals.

You can get a hand-curated list of the most popular websites in your sector from Detailed.

In this manner, you can evaluate your main rivals.

(And imitate their actions.)

The best feature in depth is “Mentions.”

Who recently linked to (and tweeted about) your rivals is displayed in this section.

12. Google Search Console

Google Search Console

Direct assistance from Google with SEO.

Without Google Search Console, no list of free SEO tools would be complete.


The GSC is a piece of SEO software with a LOT of features.

You know the data is accurate, unlike pretty much every other tool on the market.

(After all, Google provided it.)

For instance, you may examine your site’s rankings in the SERPs using the Google Search Console as a rank tracker.

Ranking checker using Google Search Console Best Feature:

Report on Index Coverage

You can see a list of the pages on your website that aren’t being indexed in the Index Coverage Report.

Additionally, you can discover how to resume normal operations.

Index coverage analysis for Google Search Console

13. SERPerator



You can use this fantastic tool to check the SERPs on various places and gadgets.

As you are surely aware, the search results vary significantly based on your location and the device you are using.

(In particular for local queries like “pizza shop” or “landscaper”)

This is another free seo tools. Additionally, you can use this tool to view exactly how search results will appear for someone conducting a certain phone-based search from pretty much any major city in the world.

SERPerator results for the iPhone

Best Function: Device Comparison

Check out the outcomes on two different mobile devices…


iPhone SERPerator: Compare devices

14. Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog

Quickly identify and resolve technical SEO problems.

Let’s be honest:

Discovering technical SEO issues with your website can be a major hassle.

Screaming Frog is here.

This clever programme uses a crawler similar to Google to browse your website.

Additionally, it creates a report of prospective problems (like HTTP header errors, javascript rendering issues, bloated HTML, and crawl errors).

Best Function of Screaming Frog: Find Duplicate Content

You may already be aware that Google detests duplicate material.

Fortunately, you can quickly identify pages with duplicate content using Screaming Frog.

Duplicate content on Screaming Frog

15. Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Analyze how visitors arrive at and use your website. This is another free seo tools.

Actually, Google Analytics isn’t a tool for SEO.

But without it, it’s practically impossible to launch an SEO campaign.


You can determine whether or not your SEO efforts are successful based on the data in Google Analytics.

I’m referring to information like:

Bounce rate for organic traffic

Traffic generating

Duration of visit Page speed

The best feature of Google Analytics

Integration of Google Analytics & Google Search Console

On its own, Google Analytics is incredibly potent.

But what happens when you incorporate the Google Search Console?

It is now even MORE potent.

You may get useful information, such as the search terms visitors use to locate your site, your organic CTR, and other great stuff, by connecting your GSC account with GA.


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