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HomeTech15 Blockchain Projects With Source Code

15 Blockchain Projects With Source Code

Best and most demanding blockchain projects will be discussed in this article. Many people mistakenly believe that blockchain technology is exclusively relevant to digital currencies like Bitcoin; nevertheless, the field of blockchain technology is much more expansive. Blockchain is a decentralised, transparent, immutable ledger. Let’s go over each complicated term individually. Because it is distributed, each member of the network will have a copy of the blockchain. The data in a partnership cannot be modified since it is immutable.

A ledger is similar to a notebook where we record our financial transactions. All transactions or data on the decentralised blockchain are encrypted. As was previously mentioned, blockchain is a highly strong technology. As a result, every organisation today is attempting to implement blockchain technology into their operations and is consequently looking for blockchain engineers.

The easiest method to grasp blockchain is to get your hands dirty rather than just reading documents or watching online courses because it is a brand-new idea. The top 15 blockchain project ideas that you may use to demonstrate your prowess as a blockchain developer will be covered in this post. These projects can aid you in solidifying your skills if you are just beginning to understand blockchain development.

Additionally, if you’re attempting to establish a career as a blockchain developer, you can utilise this as a way to demonstrate your expertise and development abilities in your portfolio. We’ll go through the basic concept, the information needed to complete the project, the features you should include, how to create it, the tools and technologies you’ll need, the programming language you’ll need to learn, and some real-world examples you may get ideas from for each project idea. So let’s get created with the index of potential blockchain project ideas. Additionally, we will provide access to several tutorials and the source code, allowing you to get started on your preferred project idea right away.

Blockchain Projects Ideas

The two main components of every blockchain-based application are the Smart Contract and the Interface (front-end). There is no denying that the front-end, or user interface, is significant. Because of how this user will interact with your application, you should concentrate more on the Smart contract while developing blockchain applications. The applications that will run on a blockchain and include the business logic of your application are known as smart contracts. In order to create these smart contracts, the Solidity programming language was used. Therefore, learning the solidity programming language is a prerequisite for learning blockchain development. You must understand how a blockchain application functions and how it differs from traditional web applications after studying the Solidity language. A web application displays with a web server for its code and data, whereas a blockchain application communicates with a blockchain that contains both code in the form of smart contracts and data in the blockchain itself. This is the key distinction between a web application and a blockchain application. Let’s now begin with some beginner-friendly blockchain project ideas.

Beginner-friendly Blockchain Projects

The top 5 blockchain project suggestions for total beginners are provided here, along with some tutorial links and source code. Keep in mind that these are only for learning reasons and not for your portfolio.

Top 15 Blockchain Projects With Source Code In 2022

Top 15 Blockchain Projects With Source Code are explained here.

1. Hello, World!

Hello, World!

Concept: Printing the string “Hello, World!” is the simplest project idea you may use.

”. This will be a fairly straightforward smart contract that gives back the text “Hello, World! ”. Even though it seems like a relatively straightforward concept, if you’re just starting off, this will teach you a lot. You will learn all the fundamentals of a blockchain project from it. You will learn how to declare contracts, functions, and many other fundamental concepts as well as the structure of a solidity file. Also check virtual meeting platform

2. Simple Storage

Idea: A straightforward storage smart contract is the following project concept you can put into practise. You can use an integer variable in this contract as long as you can read it, update its value, and write to it. You can specify two functions, one to increase the defined variable’s value and the other to decrease it. As a result, it is now possible to create smart contracts that allow data modification rather than just read-only access. Additionally, once you understand how to alter the data in a smart contract, you may expand its usefulness by including new features and making it more useful.

3. Multi-Send

The following concept is to create a blockchain application that may transfer ether to a variety of Ethereum addresses. Similar to how you would use another user’s email address to send an email, you would use an Ethereum address to transmit ethers. Therefore, users would be able to transmit ether to a list of ethereum addresses using this application. When paying staff, this tool can be really helpful.

You must now create an ethereum smart contract in order to build this project. To do this, you can utilise REMIX IDE. Remix is a web-based IDE for creating solidity-based smart contracts. You only need to declare a function that will execute a straightforward for loop inside of and accept an array of addresses as an input. You will be able to complete this project fairly easily without a tutorial after completing the aforementioned projects.

4. Ether Wallet

I have a fourth project concept, which is an ether wallet. Basically, a wallet that lets you use your ethers for purchases. You’ll build a smart contract for this project that can accept ether from other addresses and send ether to other addresses. Although this type of smart contract is not really practical, it is excellent for learning. You will learn how to work with or update ether in a smart contract by working on this ether wallet project. And it’s crucial to realise this because the strength of smart contracts depends in their capacity to move funds. You will also study access control. This is another blockchain projects.

Anyone may take your money if we allowed everyone to withdraw ethers. Therefore, in order to implement this access control, a required statement will probably be needed. You will find it much easier to complete advanced projects once you have completed such simple projects. Following completion of this ether wallet project, you can attempt to construct a smart wallet.

5. Polling System

Idea: A polling smart contract is the suggested next project. People would have the option to create new polls in this voting system and include various options in those polls. The choices above would each receive one user vote. Everyone will be able to cast a ballot during the voting period that you set. One of the options would be the winner after the voting period. Any topic may be the subject of these polls. Addresses will be a part of this smart contract, and you’ll learn more complex data structures like hashmap. It will be a little more interesting because you’ll also learn how to work with time in Solidity while implementing voting period functionality. This project is a little challenging, but you can also include it in your portfolio. This is another blockchain projects.

Blockchain Projects in the Middle

Let’s now talk about a few ideas for intermediate blockchain projects that you can definitely include in your portfolio or resume.

6. Time Lock wallet

Time Lock wallet

Time lock Smart Contract is the first proposal in this category. A wallet that locks your crypto assets for a predetermined period of time is a time lock smart contract. That means that even if you wanted to, you wouldn’t be able to withdraw your cryptocurrency assets. Such wallets have a variety of applications. However, one of the most important uses of a lock wallet at the moment is to stop you from selling your crypto assets when the market crashes. People frequently sell their cryptocurrencies during market crashes out of fear of losing all of their invested funds. But as we all know, holding onto cryptocurrency for a very long time is necessary if we want to generate extremely high returns. Locking your cryptocurrency in a time lock wallet is one way to accomplish this. This will prevent you from withdrawing it for a specific period of time.

7. To-do List App

Making a to-do list app powered by Ethereum smart contracts is the next project concept. You can gain knowledge about the specifics of blockchain technology and blockchain applications in general by creating this application. We use a web browser and a web server to store all the code and data for our application in a straightforward to-do list web application. However, you need to take a different approach if you want to create a to-do list app for a blockchain. This is another blockchain projects.

You must use a browser to access your to-do list and connect to the client-side application you will create rather than connecting directly to a server. This client-side application will actually communicate directly with the blockchain rather than a web backend and a database. The code for our to-do list app will be written in ethereum smart contracts, and it will be stored on the blockchain. The blockchain itself will be used to store all of the to-do items. The smart contract will include every item on our to-do list and give us the ability to add new items, mark items as complete, delete items, and more.

8. Voting system

Building a voting system is the third intermediate blockchain project concept. A great example of how blockchain technology and smart contracts can be used to improve system trust and transparency is voting. Voting can be done using this application at both the organisational and the national levels. You must take certain precautions when building this project in order for your voting system to function. Due to privacy concerns, you should first hide user information in your application.

You must use an Ethereum address, which will serve as the users’ sole means of identification, in order to accomplish this. Second, each voter should be limited to casting one vote, and then only when they are eligible to do so. Then, provided that all voting regulations are observed, it should be transparent. The votes must then, of course, be correctly recorded and tallied. There shouldn’t be any errors or room for fraud in the voting process. Solidity will be used throughout. Enjoy working on this project! Also check free mkv converter

9. Savings and lending Application

Savings and lending Application

The following project concept is to create a lending and savings application. Decentralized finance, or DeFi, is currently very popular. DeFi is essentially a method for transferring current financial solutions to the blockchain. People frequently engage in this behaviour in the area of lending and saving. People would be able to borrow money using this application on blockchains. This basically allows them to lock up some assets, borrow other cryptocurrencies, and pay them back later after a set period of time. Trading cryptocurrencies is a different application for this kind of software. This is another blockchain projects.

Certain cryptocurrency assets can be locked up by traders in order to borrow another type of asset, which they can then trade and profit from. Let’s now talk about the technology that would be required to construct this. A large portion of these applications will use smart contracts. You must use the Solidity programming language to create smart contracts before deploying them on the blockchain. The business logic necessary to oversee the protocols for lending and saving will be contained in the smart contract. There choice be space in the end for many different kinds of products like these because consumers are constantly looking for competitive rates. Just like there are many cryptocurrency exchanges, there can be many lending and savings platforms.

10. Decentralized Cryptocurrencies Exchange

The last concept for an intermediate-level blockchain-based project is a decentralised cryptocurrency exchange. This cryptocurrency exchange would not be live on a server because it is not a custodial exchange. It will enable you to possess and manage the cryptocurrency’s private keys. A decentralised cryptocurrency exchange would make it possible for the vast majority of cryptocurrency users to trade their coins at some point in the future. Idex is one such instance of a programme. How will this decentralised cryptocurrency exchange be built now? You would need to develop some trading-related smart contracts in order to build this.

Any ethereum assets, including the ethereum cryptocurrency itself and any ethereum-based tokens, should be tradeable through your application. Once you have the necessary smart contracts in place, you will need a client-side interface so that users can interact with and use your application. You can use any backend framework, such as React.js, Node.js, Angular, Django, etc., to create the interface. You’ll also need a library of some kind in order to turn your web application into a blockchain application. Web3.js is a library that transforms your web application into a blockchain website. Smart contracts can be communicated with inside of a standard website thanks to Web3.js. This is another blockchain projects.

Ahead-of-the-Game Blockchain Projects

Now let’s talk about some cutting-edge blockchain projects.

11. Blockchain Wallet


Blockchain Wallet

Blockchain Wallet is the first cutting-edge blockchain project concept. There are a lot of people using cryptocurrencies, and they all need a way to manage their money. They will be able to store these funds and transfer them to various other wallets thanks to blockchain wallets. Trusted wallets, Coinbase wallets, and Argent wallets are a few examples of blockchain wallets. These wallets’ primary function is to store cryptocurrencies. However, some wallets also function as dapp browsers. In essence, they have a web browser integrated into them that enables the use of blockchain-based applications. These wallets enable the user to sign transactions with their private key, which is a requirement for blockchain applications. Now, how would you construct something similar? To create the native application, you can use Flutter or React Native. The blockchain must now be connected to this application. Web3.js would be useful for this. Web3.js is a library that, as was previously mentioned, transforms your web application into a blockchain website.

12. Digital Asset Exchange (DAM)

Digital Asset Marketplace is the following project concept. People require a place to buy and sell their digital collectibles (also known as digital assets) because so many people own them. DAMs, or digital asset marketplaces, give their users a full framework. DAM serves as a dependable middleman between investors and digital asset issuers. To make transactions between the various users easier, they suggest a selection of tools and services. You would need some Ethereum smart contracts written in the solidity programming language to create this type of application. To convert this web application into a blockchain website, you would need a web application and the web3.js library.

13. Peer To Peer Carpooling

A peer-to-peer carpooling application is the following project concept. Currently, one agency is in charge of the majority of carpooling programmes. Without a middleman like Uber or Ola, you could design a smart contract that would connect the rider and driver directly. Companies like Uber and Ola have access to both drivers’ and passengers’ personal information, which can cause serious privacy concerns. We could create a much more dependable and secure carpooling system if ridesharing and car rentals were somehow moved to blockchain. This is another blockchain projects.

14. Skills Verifying System

Skills Verifying System

This is another blockchain projects. The next project idea is to create a system for skill verification. People make any claim about themselves on social media platforms, and even if it’s false, it’s frequently taken as the truth. With the aid of decentralised consensus, this skill validation system would easily and objectively validate skills. Skills demonstrations would be evaluated anonymously by unrelated users. They would validate the claim and receive compensation for their efforts. For instance, if someone declares themselves to be an expert in react.js and provides evidence, such as a link to their Github repository, other users in the same domain can then confirm their claim. According to the general agreement, the claim is either “endorsed” or “flagged.” You might try constructing this programme with the help of Ethereum smart contracts. Also check keyword trackers

15. Fake Product identification systems

An advanced fake product identification system is the following blockchain project concept. As everyone is aware, there are fake interpretations of every brand today. Every well-known trademark has knockoff producers who sell the exact effect at lower costs by compromising on quality. Even the original company’s experts power not be able to tell the difference between their authentic creations and imitations. What if we could identify authentic outcomes using blockchain technology and put a QR principle to them as they are being manufactured. This is another blockchain projects.

The product’s QR code will be connected to a Blockchain. The product knowledge and generated QR code for the product can be stored in the database as blocks. People can now use their smartphones to scan the QR code, and their devices will indicate whether the merchandise is genuine or not. The scanned QR code will be compared to records in the Blockchain database. If the code matches, the buyer will be informed that the goods is authentic; if not, they will be informed that the product is counterfeit. The likelihood is high that major brands will approach you if you successfully implement this project idea, which is very intriguing and practical.

Identification System Source Code

Why Are Blockchain Projects So Important?

Blockchain technology is a new one. Making blockchain projects would provide you an advantage over other applicants because the software industries are hunting for qualified blockchain engineers. The majority of candidates use standard web or mobile applications for their projects. However, creating a blockchain application requires going a step farther. A web or mobile application that you create will later be converted into a blockchain application. In this approach, including blockchain projects to your resume implies that you are also skilled at web development or mobile development. Additionally, there is a tonne of space for innovation in the blockchain industry. There are still a tonne of options in this region that you should absolutely investigate.


In order to differentiate yourself from the competition, we’ve covered the top 15 blockchain project ideas in this article. In order for you to get inspiration for a blockchain-based project regardless of your present ability, we have split the ideas into three categories: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. We have seen how Ethereum smart contracts and an interface are used to build any blockchain application. The significance of the Web3.js library in creating any blockchain application has also been covered.

Questions and Answers

What are some Blockchain examples?

Blockchain is a technology, and programmes like Bitcoin, Solana, FollowMyVote, Indorse, and others use it.

Q. How is a blockchain project created?

You first need a personal blockchain in order to build a blockchain project. Genache can serve as your individual blockchain. After installing Genache, a blockchain will be operational. The truffle framework is then required to create ethereum smart contracts. If you do not want to install anything on your local PC, you can use the online Remix IDE instead. Then a meta mask Chrome addon is required. You can connect to the blockchain using Metamask and interact with the smart contracts directly from your own account.


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